I am happy once again to greet you. As we move into summer, we’ve seen many recent successes within the TB Think Tank. Workplans for fiscal 2024/25 have been approved, and many projects are in the works.
2024 marks the 10th year of the South African National TB Think Tank. We would like to take this opportunity to reflect on, be grateful for, and celebrate our incredible journey together over the past decade.
It’s been 10 years since the TB Think Tank was established whilst there are many amongst us who have detected the increased regularity and increasing consistency of the operation of the Think Tank and others who point out the increasing scope and depth of the work being carried out, its is much better to formally...
I am proud to be presenting this Newsletter as we start 2024, which marks the 10th anniversary of the South African National TB Think Tank. I feel tremendously privileged to have been part of this team for the past ten years and to have been part of the history of the fight against TB in...
This past quarter has been busy in the world of TB. Revised diagnostic algorithms were presented to provinces in August along with a toolkit for strengthening social and behavioural change communication.
If one of the reasons to have a Think Tank is for TB research and program experts to share ground breaking changes, then the meeting held in Kempton Park certainly did not disappoint.
The purpose of the TB Think Tank (TBTT) is to build a bridge between the incredible TB research community that we have in South Africa and the Department of Health.